An Isentropic Lifestyle in New York City. — Michael

An Isentropic Lifestyle in New York City

Party Girl YOGA
5 min readAug 15, 2019

Most of New York City’s inhabitants spend their entire time on three islands. From the central point that the city is considered to be, Mainland America to the north and west are treks parsimoniously undertaken. At least to the north the mainland is connected by subway so one can find oneself there haphazardly or accidentally; whereas to the west it is a completely water disconnected separate state which requires too much intent for the average New Yorker to invest in casually.

These three islands are each not very large; then factoring in that, counting the tourist, there are eight plus million people actively existing in various states of being; thinking their own thoughts, doing whatever it is they do and generally not living your life from your perspective in ANY way shape or form. This is a recipe for seething Reality Show Intensity.

The conundrum that arises from this Brownian Motion is how does one live from day to day feeling like a lotus flower on Cerulean Lake, or at least some reasonable facsimile of that in a “sustainable fashion”.

There are several ways in which I find this to be achievable.

Waking up early can be interesting solution; and by “early”, I mean 04:00Hours. Getting up that early is dependent on a host of obvious variables, for instance, when one goes to bed, and how much sleep one requires or one’s work hours. Taking all that into consideration, there is something very calming about being up when apparently no one else is. This is a beautiful moment of entropy to allow oneself. One can utilize this time by Meditating, Doing Yoga, Stretching, having a French Press of your favorite roast or a delicious pot of Tea. Give the electronic devices space for a while [Unless for documentation: Recordings, Photos, Writing etc.] and r-e-l-a-x. That early in the morning you might see a meteorite or something in the sky, it has been known to happen. Then by the time the sun rises one has a surfeit of time to casually start one’s day.

Having a rigorous workout is another great activity that can create a blissful existence in the city. An intense, “generation stage to completion stage”, workout. Where you pull your baseball cap over your face and let your body be the high-performance machine that it craves to be in this limited Urban Landscape. Let Go. Sweat and Release. Let free your center of power. Make every situation after your workout, just a feather on a calm breeze. You surf on the subway and sail with perfect yaw across the sea of humanity in Mid-Town Manhattan.

I love people. They are awesome; but sometimes, especially when there are so many, it is good not to be around them. In is refreshing to be by yourself sometimes. An “interaction blackout” if you will. It gives me the deepest and most calming satisfaction to hibernate for a day, maybe two. To not interact with anyone or anything that is not in one’s immediate personal sphere of existence. On such days I usually take an Epsom salt bath. Scalding hot. This is a bath that you generally intend to commit to for a couple hours at the minimum. Where once again you, Let Go. As someone in Iceland once said to me, “Somedays, you just need to be a fish”. Give your body’s water a chance to detoxify, the bones and muscles a chance to realign. Treat yourself to a home spa. Treat yourself like a baby and selfcare. Yes, Spa time.

Spas and retreats. These are especially good if this entails leaving the city, even if by “leaving the city”, your idea is Montauk, Cold Spring or Great Barrington. Because a bit of perspective as one detoxifies is always healthy. One needs to remember that the entire world is not made of asphalt and concrete canyons which are paved with Ubers. That there is a whole calm bucolic world out there where people say, “Good Morning” and where you really would rather not take a Lyft to get “somewhere”. Also, give yourself a chance to remember that sometimes relaxation requires more than a few hours, perhaps a few days is just what the proverbial doctor ordered.

One of the healthiest ways I think however to be a frictionless organism in New York is to not takes things too personally, because everyone else here is also that beautiful individual snowflake dealing with 8+ million people, including themselves every day; just like you. You remember you must do all this seemingly extraneous stuff to maintain center; then see it from their perspective. Most of the time people are dealing with more than you or I could even imagine. Us with our First World Privilege tend to forget that. We need to remind ourselves that it is okay if the barista messed up my order today, no need to go ballistic and plot the baristas downfall all day; if there is a sick passenger on the train, sure you are stuck in an icky crowded subway, but imagine how that sick person must feel, lying on that icky crowded subway floor. Extend empathy and exude kindness and bliss. Make yourself that person that when you step on someone’s Fred Perry’s in the museum, their smiling response is, “I shall never play the grand piano again.”. Love attracts love, beauty attracts beauty, bliss attracts bliss. Be the kind of person that you would like to have walk up to you and say, “Hello.”.

Don’t wish you were that lotus, envision yourself as and be that lotus and make the city Cerulean Lake.


This Article Was Written by Michael. A New Platform Writer For Party Girl Yoga This Season. Check Back Here Next Week For More Articles Written By Michael! #konguloproun



Party Girl YOGA

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